Paul Gough

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Are You Missing Out on Financial Success?

Are You Missing Out on Financial Success?

Let’s revisit my trip to Cleveland to see Dan Kennedy, and explain the importance of identifying your target audience, repelling those who don’t fit your target market, and communicating effectively to grow your business. If you are avoiding to market, you will be at a significant financial disadvantage, so keep reading to learn how toRead More…

How Can I Improve My Digital Marketing Strategy?

How Can I Improve My Digital Marketing Strategy?

I know that your problems with digital marketing are one of, if not all of, these 3- They struggle to get good leads They struggle to get enough leads They simply don’t know how to do it Have you ever heard of the idiom “judging a fish on it’s ability to climb a tree”? WeRead More…

The Absolute Joy of a Massive Tax Bill

The Absolute Joy of a Massive Tax Bill

This article is not about tax season, it’s more about the bigger broad point of why you’re running a business in the first place and that is to get WEALTHY. Never forget that. Write it down. There’s a higher purpose to the company that might involve serving people better than anyone else but the pointRead More…

Is It Really The Government’s Fault?

Is It Really The Government’s Fault?

Over the last year or so – and probably for the next year (if not longer), most people are going to look to blame the government for the financial predicament that they find themselves in. I say MOST people. There’s approximately 1% of the population who will NOT. They are the entrepreneur millionaires. The big mistakeRead More…

You could see George Clooney and Celine Dion…

You could see George Clooney and Celine Dion…

The clock is ticking down to the next Big 4% Club Mastermind Meeting that is happening in Las Vegas on April 1-2. Book your seat here: If you HAVE booked your seat, well done. We can’t wait to work with you AND party with you across the weekend. If you’re bringing your team, wellRead More…

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