Paul Gough is a multi-time No.1 bestselling author of The New Patient Accelerator Method, The Physical Therapy Hiring Solution, To Sell Is Healthy and The Healthy Habit. Fresh out of PT School, Paul was hired by one of the UK's top professional Soccer Teams where he worked as head Physiotherapist for 4 seasons. At the age of just “26”, Paul QUIT his high-profile job in pro-soccer to start his own clinic, known as the “Paul Gough Physio Rooms”. He has since scaled his clinic from one to four locations, and zero to $1m in cash pay revenue in a country where healthcare is free, and he now helps clinic owners all across America and around the world to get more cash pay patients using his proven systems.
Paul Gough was born and raised in “Hartlepool” a small, economically challenged town in the North East of England. Paul graduated from Physiotherapy School at Northumbria University in 2003 – deciding to skip life as a physiotherapist in the “big hospital systems” instead, choosing to follow his passion and pursue a career as a Therapist working with professional soccer teams. He made it all the way to the top working with multi-million dollar soccer players each day.
Paul is the father of a 4 high-spirited boys: Harry, Tobias, Greyson, and Zander. He loves to travel and routinely spends more than 20 weeks of the year away from his UK based business to sight-see and explore foreign countries - as well as learn and speak at seminars and business building events – or as he routinely loves to do, combine learning, travelling and speaking – all at the same time!
His family travel with him everywhere he goes - from Australia to Canada and across all parts of the US - and it’s in Celebration, FL that he spends most of that time when he’s in the US.
Paul is a former pro-soccer Physical Therapist turned successful business owner. While working in professional sport
Paul earned the reputation as the “go-to” physiotherapist in the UK and it wasn’t long before he started to build his own private practice. His first privately paying patients were treated in the PHYSIO ROOMS at the soccer stadium of the club where he worked.
Soon enough, there were more people wanting to get seen by Paul than hours in the day would allow, and so he decided to QUIT his high-profile job in soccer and take the risk on starting the “Paul Gough Physio Rooms”, from a spare room in his home.
Paul started his business with no money, no business experience and no marketing skills – and in less than 7 years has grown that business from a small bedroom in his home to a multi-clinic, multi-therapist, private pay practice that serves more than 2000 patients per month.
Check out Paul’s own clinic by heading over here: www.paulgoughphysio.com
What’s most impressive about that is he has done it all in a country with a completely FREE socialist health care system which provides Physical Therapy completely FREE, to all citizens, paid for by the Government.
How did he do it? That’s a question a lot of people ask – and so many that he decided to start this…
PTProfitAcademy.com is the online training organization that Paul developed to deliver the Business Education that PT School forgot to deliver. Paul shares with you EVERYTHING he knows about building successful business on both sides of the Atlantic.
As well as growing his own business in the UK – Paul has since helped build the businesses of dozens and dozens of small Physical Therapy businesses in the US, in Canada and Australia.
Much of what happens inside of Paul’s practice – and some of what he teaches to his clients - is now shared on The “Paul Gough Physio Rooms” Youtube Show
This is the Youtube show that Paul created with the aim of showing you PRECISELY how he created the incredible LIFESTYLE he owns…
It’s Paul’s original business, the “Paul Gough Physio Rooms” that FUELS his jet-set lifestyle of being able to travel around the world with his young family - while his business continues to grow without him.
Many people tell Paul that they “want that same lifestyle” - something that resembles the total FREEDOM from their business that Paul has created – and as a result, Paul felt it only right to SHOW you how he really got to be able to live it.
It’s on this weekly show that you’ll get to go behind the scenes of the day-to-day running of his clinic, and learn precisely how he does it. Subscribe to the Youtube channel here.
In response to the 100s of business related questions that Paul is asked on a weekly basis by PTs all across the world – he decided to start answering some of them and bring them to an easy to access place on your smartphone.
Everyone knows that PT’s have NOT been given the Business Education from PT School that is so badly needed – Paul’s Podcast is dedicated to solving that problem and helping great Physical Therapists fulfill their maximum potential by becoming successful business owners.
On this weekly podcast you’ll get to shape the content and ask the questions - and Paul will share with you his most honest, passionate answers. Best: he’ll never shy away from saying what needs to be said to help you get more successful, faster. Subscribe and Download on iTunes.
Paul is a Best-Selling Author on Amazon, and has written five books: “The Healthy Habit”, "To Sell is Healthy", "Leadership in Private Practice", "The Physical Therapy Hiring Solution" and "The New Patient Accelerater Method".
His books have been sold on Amazon in multiple countries across the world - and
Paul wrote his first book "The Healthy Habit" with aim of helping his own clinics target audience - people in the 50’s and above – to keep active, mobile and free from painkillers. It has been described by many as “essential reading for people aged 50+”. www.healthyhabitbook.com
Paul is an OFFICIAL, “Small Business Icon”. He is a recent Winner of the Infusionsoft award “Best In Class – Lead Nurture And Conversion”.
What that means is the Value Based Marketing and Nurture Systems that Paul has used to fuel the growth of his own business – the Paul Gough Physio Rooms – have been GLOBALLY recognized by one of America’s fastest growing software companies.
Paul’s Education Based Marketing system is powered by the Infusionsoft CRM platform and that same Marketing System he created is now being used all across the world by Paul’s small business owner clients.
So successful has it been that Infusionsoft re-warded Paul this title for his work and dedication in figuring out a way to use their technology to help 1000’s of patients of PT practices make better, more educated and more confident decision about their health.
