Paul Gough

Free Marketing Plan Road Map for Physical Therapy Clinic Owners
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How to Run a Successful Physical Therapy Business

How to Run a Successful Physical Therapy Business

How you run your life is how you run your business. Most physical therapy private practice owners today wake up thinking that their problem is marketing or staff or a lack of systems – the reality is that the REAL problem (the cause of all of those symptoms) is likely staring back in the mirrorRead More…

Facebook or Google for Your Physical Therapy Clinic, Which is Better?

Facebook or Google for Your Physical Therapy Clinic, Which is Better?

Facebook or Google for Your Physical Therapy Clinic? Which is Better? As a physical therapist, how do your “Perfect Patients” behave and find you online? In marketing this is commonly known as traffic. In the world of online marketing – it’s pretty apparent that people’s understanding of “traffic” is different than others, so I wantedRead More…