Every conversation will sound something like, “but I work really hard. I put lots of effort in this business. I worked really hard for this company.” And what they’re saying is, “I can’t really define what I actually did.” My parents have raised me to be a good guy and work hard, right? So, whatRead More…
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Tag: business tips
How Marcus Lemonis Deals With Work-Life Balance (and Becoming Financially Literate)
If you’re going to be a business owner, you have to accept the fact that your life is going to be very different. And business owners have literally everything at stake. You have everything at stake, right? It’s tough if you choose to be a business owner. It is a very different world. You makeRead More…
Marcus Lemonis: How To Unlock The Right Customers and Build Credibility
As small business owners, we also have to be mindful that vulnerability and transparency are the key to unlocking the customer. The closer we are to that customer, the closer our relationship is with them. The more we share with them about the successes and the failures of our business, the more people want toRead More…
Can You Remain Balanced In The Pursuit Of Success?
I think you can remain balanced internally, but not externally. These are two different. I absolutely believe that for an entrepreneur, you will always have somebody who wants your attention. You’ll always be needed. Somewhere the family will want you and you’ll go. The business will want you and you’ll go. You will always beRead More…
Why Limit Yourself To Being “Just” A Physical Therapist?
“Is an identity expansion needed?” What that means is very simple. I think you need to start thinking bigger and I think you need to change what that identity is. For example, the issue that many people have in business that stops them getting success in businesses they don’t like to hire, they don’tRead More…
How Can Embracing Change Lead to Success in Both Business and Life? With Anil Gupta
Make it easy to be successful. I didn’t feel successful this morning. I was comparing myself to other people. We’re always comparing, so stop comparing. Everyone is going through stuff. It’s OK. But the mindset will determine how you handle it. Today’s the day. What decisions have you made? How can you show up? TheRead More…
Interview With Kevin O’Leary | How To Increase The Lifetime Value Of A Patient
[Paul] We’ve been speaking a lot about the importance of customer lifetime value… How important is that to you that, when you get that customer, you go on a journey with them that lasts forever? And what kind of specific things might we be able to do in our business as a physical therapy companyRead More…
Habit Force vs Force Of Habit
Habit Force vs Force Of Habit What’s the difference? Another thing that Dan Kennedy taught me was the idea that 80% of people have the habits of the 80%, and that’s what keeps them stuck at 80%. I’ll say that again, 80% of the people in the world have the habits of 80% of theRead More…
Why Selling to People Who Don’t Know About PT Is Key to Multiplying Your Revenue
I’d say of all of the things that I’d learned that have had the biggest shift in the way that I see life and see business and understand my business, and ultimately the opportunities that I’ve got from my business – the biggest one has been understanding the very simple but often overlooked idea that the moneyRead More…
How Do I Get To A Point Where Approval Isn’t Needed?
The Best Thing I’ve Learned From Dan Kennedy Let me tell you the best thing I’ve ever learned from Dan. One of them. There’s so many. But this is one of the best. It’s called approval not needed and it’s a principle. It’s a way of living. It’s a type of life. It’s a quality ofRead More…