I think you can remain balanced internally, but not externally. These are two different. I absolutely believe that for an entrepreneur, you will always have somebody who wants your attention. You’ll always be needed. Somewhere the family will want you and you’ll go. The business will want you and you’ll go. You will always beRead More…
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Tag: story
Interview With Daymond John | “Do the Doubts Ever Go Away?”
[Paul] Talk to me about however big you get, I’m looking at you and I’m thinking all I want to ask you is, do the doubts ever go away? Is there ever a day where you wake up and you just have no doubts? There’s no fear, there’s just nothing going on. [Daymond] No, no. Well,Read More…
When Was The Last Time You Intentionally Became Uncomfortable? With James Lawrence
In life, the bully is loud. It’s relentless, and he’s saying “I told you, you’re not good enough. You didn’t deserve to be here. You haven’t sacrificed, you’re not a winner. A loser. Go. Home quit.” Why do we listen to this voice inside of our head, instead of overpowering them and becoming the bestRead More…
No Longer a Slave to the Treatment Table after He Built a Business and Stepped Back
For Tim Madsen, it’s not only business that is on an upward curve, so too is his outlook. As he is able to step away from the treatment room, he feels refreshed, his mind clearer on his vision. He said: “I feel my outlook has changed and my health is a lot better since cuttingRead More…
Wowing Patients on the Front Desk: What Ella is Doing to be an INSTANT Success
“Our front desk person is essential to the success of our business. She is the first point of contact from incoming calls. If she does well with the calls to build trust and show value in what we do, we have a very warm lead coming for a DV.” For Michael Chin, of P3 AthleticRead More…