Paul Gough

Paul Gough


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Can You Remain Balanced In The Pursuit Of Success?

Can You Remain Balanced In The Pursuit Of Success?

I think you can remain balanced internally, but not externally. These are two different.  I absolutely believe that for an entrepreneur, you will always have somebody who wants your attention.  You’ll always be needed.  Somewhere the family will want you and you’ll go. The business will want you and you’ll go.  You will always beRead More…

Why Limit Yourself To Being “Just” A Physical Therapist?

Why Limit Yourself To Being “Just” A Physical Therapist?

“Is an identity expansion needed?”   What that means is very simple.  I think you need to start thinking bigger and I think you need to change what that identity is.  For example, the issue that many people have in business that stops them getting success in businesses they don’t like to hire, they don’tRead More…

Is It Really The Government’s Fault?

Is It Really The Government’s Fault?

Over the last year or so – and probably for the next year (if not longer), most people are going to look to blame the government for the financial predicament that they find themselves in. I say MOST people. There’s approximately 1% of the population who will NOT. They are the entrepreneur millionaires. The big mistakeRead More…