Paul Gough

A Member From My Community 10x’ed His Monthly Revenue… Here’s How You Do It Too | Episode 396

>> Go To to finally sort out your clinics marketing before 2021 <<

For today’s episode of the Paul Gough Audio Experience, we have an amazing story from a member of my community. Tune in as Clinic Owner Kevin Vandi from San Jose, CA shares how Paul’s New Patient accelerator Program didn’t just get him new patients, but it allowed him to generate so many new leads that he was able to raise his prices month after month. Along with getting Patients, Kevin was enabled to finally hire a team to help him grow his business and finally have fun!

Need to sort out your clinics marketing in this new “Covid Economy”? Head to to register for my “New Patient Accelerator” program where I help you sort out your clinics marketing in just 6 weeks…. Want your questions answered Live on this podcast? Text “Podcast” to 407-410-4418. Once you do that, ask me any questions you want answered live on this show each week!

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