Robert Brown is on a big journey, and he knows EXACTLY where he wants to be.
Based in Washington DC, Sports Massage Pros is a business growing by the day: rates are on the rise, there’s a full schedule, hiring is on the agenda along with a move to bigger and owned premises.
And Robert understands as and when he achieves all that he is ready for the next step: To be named Ultimate CEO.
The way his business is developing and expanding means his sights are set on the crown newly being worn by Francisco Maia.
There’s confidence and ambition driving him forward to hit his goals. Robert featured in Planet Paul in November, at a time he was putting his rates up.
Some six months later he’s got the demand and willingness to do it again.
He told us: “I thought that raising my rates would mean I would see fewer people but I’m seeing the same amount and I’m due another rate increase as my schedule has gotten really, really busy.
“I’m ready to make my first hire, a front desk person, which will make the business even busier so my plan within the next 90 days is to have another rates increase.
“Getting a front desk is a big step, but one I’m at the point where I can no longer run things efficiently – in fact the one thing standing in the way of progress is me.
“It’s true. I look at some of the things I want to do and are not getting done, it’s only because I don’t have the time. I’m treating people.
A new front desk means I’m free to treat more people and not worry about the administrative things which are holding back my growth.”
This world was just what I was looking for Robert joined Paul’s World in mid-2019 as he read Accelerator – “I was not able to put it down, this seemed like exactly what I was looking for” – took the course, joined 4% Club and never looked back.
He added: “I’m taking the 100 percent approach as told by Paul. In Accelerator, the first couple of modules I went through with Lisa I was frustrated.
There was so much stuff in there, how in the world was I going to implement this stuff? Lisa told me it was going to be a minimum of 6 months, maybe a year, and when she told me that I was struggling – but did I really have 6 months to a year left in me?
“I had to do something straight away to help. I created packages. I was treating people once, make an appointment with them after the session, but only sometimes.
“After that, I created packages and locked them in – 6, 12 sessions. It was a big deal then, but now I look at 8 sessions, 12, 16. No one I see sticks to 6 sessions, they always need a few more.
“So that’s just not enough. If I get an 8-session booking then it’s more profitable for me and more helpful for the long-term rather than booking 6 and then another 6–8 from the off or 12 from the off is plain sailing.”
I always wondered ‘what if?’ Robert’s career saw him part of a successful team and sporting empire before going solo.
He was part of the highly-successful NHL side of the Washington Capitals, pictured right. But even while scaling the heights of elite-level professional sport, the desire to work on his own burned inside.
“When I was with the Capitals I thought it was a job for life. I felt I would end my career there, work 10 years and retire.
But I always had the thought of ‘what if?’ I had that resume where I had worked for the Capitals, a professional team so I could go anywhere.
“It proves what I can do, but what if… That thought was always there. They changed coaches and got rid of everybody so it put me in a position of wondering what I was going to do.
“I did mobile work, then saw an advert for a sports massage therapist and they called me right away after I put my resume in.
The prices they were charging way less than I was charging doing mobile work.
“The trade-off was I would probably see more people with them, making less money short term. I stayed 7 months, branched out and went to another PT office, and rented space for 6 months. It was way too small, and only had it 2 days a week.
“Then I met up with a chiropractor whose son I had previously treated and he liked my work. I came to take a look and it was perfect for me right now.
“But I have outgrown this office and I‘m looking for places. There’s a timeline of appointing a front desk and then new premises.
“It’s an aim for 2021, very very important for me and it shows business growth and personal growth – Hey I did it!”
Aiming for the next step, and the one after“A patient asked how long
I had been on my own and I said about 2 years, she was shocked at how much I had grown in that time. Hearing someone say it to me made it real.
“You don’t necessarily realize or appreciate it. You see more patients, you see your bank account but you aren’t really focused on that.
“You keep pressing on for the next step, the next step. My goal for this time next year is to be one of the people to be in contention for Ultimate CEO.
“There’s a lot of work to do, I know that but I’m up for the challenge and I think I’m on a very good road to get there.
“I’ve got a lot to do but the difference between this year Robert and last year Robert is that this year Robert can see things more.
“There’s a big difference and I’m more organized this year.”
To show how far he has traveled, and now his business is benefiting from being part of Paul’s Online Domination Team, Robert was able to share a story about how he started: “I had to borrow money to pay for Accelerator when I took it.
That was a chance, a risk, and I had to convince someone to believe in me and that I would get them their money back – and I got it back in a quicker timeframe than promised.
“So if I ever had to borrow money again from this person – which I have no intention of – I would be able to do it. Not only did I keep my promise, but I also delivered ahead of time which is huge.”
Eyes on the big CEO prize to kick off the Ultimate CEO event, Robert was hand-picked to introduce Paul and the event.
The weekend brought a laser focus for what is to come.
He added: “I listened to Paul over Mastermind weekend and to see what is needed, where I need to get to qualify for CEO Mastermind. It’s pretty clear.
“The trajectory I’m on is a good one and this time next year, when Paul wants to know who is in, my hand is up there to be raised.
“I tell Simon all the time that it is my aim to be in contention for the award – not just because of the prize and the $10,000 trip to England, that’s not THE deal, it’s the mark of where I will be by getting at that level.
“When you first come into 4% Club you see it working and, if you are applying yourself, it is the next step. In my progress group, I can not think of anyone who is not focused on CEO level.
“My Progress Group won the award at the event so that tells you something about my group and the mindset of it.
“The people I am around are good people and there are some home run hitters in my group. I look at them and I want to be in that position a year or so from now.”
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