Paul Gough

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How CEO Mastermind Helped Justin Grow Into A Real CEO

Justin Rabinowitz of Strive 2 Move, NJ has long been part of CEO and in our conversation, he explains just how valuable the CEO Mastermind program was to him.

Can you begin by telling us a little bit about you and your clinic?  

I am based in New Jersey and entered Paul’s world around 5 years ago in the journey of building my own practice. The reason why I started with Paul was because In my space as a rehab chiropractor there wasn’t anyone else speaking in a way about business that was relevant to me. My practice I have 3 different clinical practices – Strive 2 Move in 2015, in 2020 I partnered with another doctor to start a chiropractor and aquapuncture practice and in 2021 we founded a functional medicine and nutrition business. We have a pretty unique model here. I find business partners and managers as I provide the staffing, and the finance and leadership and guidance to help other business owners build their practice.  

We have 3 different clinical practices and, in the chiropractic space I am building what Paul has built in the PT space, doing a Mastermind and consulting with other rehab chiropractors like myself.  

Within our unit we have anything between 12-15 employees at any given time with staff, partners and interns and this practice started 2015 with just me getting going. In 7 years we have taken those steps. 

How long have you been a part of Paul’s ‘Planet’ and how did you first come across Paul?  

I was about a year into business in 2016 and saw an ad on Facebook and I took his New Patient Accelerator Program and I’ve been around the world of Paul – Sales Bootcamp, CEO Mastermind, and Mastermind since that moment in time.  

Why did you join Paul’s CEO Mastermind and what did you hope to gain from it?  

The No 1 thing for me was to get in a room of people who were further ahead. As I’ve built my own Mastermind, it’s a story I have been telling. I joined my CEO ground and was very specific about being in the first group as I knew who was in that group and they were ahead of me on my journey. One of the members, Nick Hunter, said at that point he didn’t even know why was there. He was essentially saying my business wasn’t big enough and he was right, but that was the reason why I was there. For me, it’s the philosophy of wanting to chase people and seeing people doing it better than me. When I joined I had 1 staff member and was doing just $200,000 and there was people doing 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, $900,000 with a full staff and an org chart.  

I was in that room to grow and since then my businesses have grown and that is because I watched people, for better or worse, in my group take steps forward, backwards, make decisions and make mistakes and I was determined to learn and not make the same mistakes they did.

How invaluable has CEO been to you and achieving your goals? In what ways has CEO contributed to your success?   

CEO has been valuable and invaluable to me for 2 reasons. No 1 is the group of other business owners, who are going through what you are and are willing to take risks and I didn’t think I valued that until I started coaching on my own. We have done things in our CEO group that others quite frankly aren’t willing to do – the investments we are willing to make, the money we are willing to spend, the time we are willing to put in and it’s just normal to us. The rest of the world it’s not normal for them and if everyone else is doing it, then it becomes the norm, but we operate at such a high level, it is unique.  

The other thing is being so close to Paul in the program and being early in the program with Paul with him I gained so much insight from him directly when the program was small and to his credit it has grown to the size it has now to the point where he doesn’t have the time and access now. The ability to get into a room with him and other business owners and ask him specifically pointed questions and speak for a period of time about his business journey and share is so valuable than his other tactical stuff. It’s great to see how he tackles stuff, to see how he solves problems and see all the good, bad and ugly that happens – he is a business owner like we all are.  

Those 2 big factors are outstanding for me.  

What were your biggest takeaways from your latest CEO Mastermind meeting?  

I’m in a unique position and I joke with people in business that as I’ve gotten better in business, I’ve gotten dumber! I don’t try and think about things as much I just go and ask questions. 

In my last CEO meeting, I’m trying to recreate in the chiro world what Paul has done in the PT world and Paul has been open and honest with me in telling me to do this and this. He told me to do 3 things: to get on the road and see clients, to acquire customers and to create content that speaks to your customers. So I went and did that and it worked. Who would have thought it. 

Now I can ask very basic questions to Paul specifically and get content from the group is very helpful. 

What are your goals following the most recent meeting?   

I’m in the early stages of growth in the consulting business and my goal has been to be stable. Bricks and mortar are the models. Then the big growth will come from proof of concept and acquiring customers to be lifelong customers; it’s about getting customers and keeping them. 

Has CEO change your perspective of your business in anyway and if so, in what way?  

The main thing for me in CEO, is that I have people in my life now in my business group who are some of my closest friends and confidants. We know business life, personal life and finances. We have a close group and these people are 2 extremes. They have no skin in my game, but they have skin because we are friends. I get some of the best advice I could receive because they understand me. They come in as guests in my own program and advise me and we talk and visit each other – amazing.   

Any final comments / advice on Paul’s CEO Mastermind for anyone thinking of stepping up?   

I think I can only share my story and we were the first group and in reality we didn’t know what would happen. The quote was ‘people like us do things like this’. And if you have visions of growing a business, more than a typical clinical practice, you have to do things in line with that philosophy. You have to think about business differently and can’t just be the operator at all times. I joined because I saw myself needing to take action. If you want to grow beyond yourself, you have to take action as a CEO would and have those conversations. CEO provides that. If you have hesitations, then think of who you want to be. If you want to be a CEO, then you need to do what a CEO does.  

Join Paul Gough’s Exclusive Business Success Mastermind Program for Physical Therapy Owners

Mastermind ProgramThis Program is all about YOU – and showing you what it takes to be able to grow and build a REAL business. One that can make you more profit and give you more freedom so that you’ll be able to do “simple” things that many business owners can’t – like leave town for a few days and still have a business to come back to.

Have access to closed door meetings, Q & A calls, and VIP events with Paul and his team to focus on marketing strategy and implementation for your clinic. Get individualized help with Facebook Ads, Google and Remarketing set up, and everything else you need to be trained and confident that you have the skills and network to build your business and generate more leads and revenue than ever before.

This Program is only for people who are serious about adding a minimum $100,000 to their income.

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