Paul Gough

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5 Major Mistakes You Might Be Making On Your PT Clinic’s Instagram Account

Instagram Mistakes for Physical TherapistsMost successful physical therapy clinic owners use Instagram and other social media platforms to promote their products or services.

However, many PTs are making some classic mistakes with this platform.

Here on Planet Paul we do talk a lot about Facebook, because our ideal patient also happens to be the primary demographic of Facebook users (women over 50). But a lot of clinic owners ask if they should be spending their time on Instagram too, or possibly even instead of Facebook.

1. Choosing Between Facebook OR Instagram for Content Marketing

If you’re already doing Facebook, and you’re considering if you should switch to focusing on Instagram – think and not or.

If you’re currently staying consistent with Facebook, keep that going and start using some of that content on Instagram. There is no need to cut down on one platform in favor of another, and there is no need to create more content to share it over on Instagram.

2. Thinking That People Use Instagram to Look For Information About Physical Therapy

Nobody uses Instagram to look for info about PT. Let me say that again for those in the back- NOBODY USES INSTAGRAM TO LOOK FOR INFO ABOUT PT

Don’t make the mistake of expecting people to interact with your content differently than they do everything else on Instagram. It must be geared toward the activities and interests of your ideal patient (the stuff they are actually there to see), so if you are currently using hashtags like #physicaltherapy and content about treatments, I guarantee you that the only people seeing your content are OTHER physical therapists.

So what DO they use it for? Mostly to immerse themselves in their hobbies and interests. This is the perfect place to connect with people who enjoy certain activities like running, cycling, and cross fit, or for inspiration and support with things like parenting or nutrition. Your hashtags and content should be focused around activities that your ideal patient enjoys but, also you should be consistently including LOCAL hashtags.

If you’re currently using hashtags like #pt, #physicaltherapy in every post, swap these out for hashtags related to your local area and consistently include these in every post instead.

Just in case I need to say it again, say it with me! NOBODY USES INSTAGRAM TO LOOK FOR INFO ABOUT PT.

3. Not Understanding What Your Perfect Patient Is Interested In On Social Media

No seriously, if you want to know what kind of content to put out on your channel, go find some of your actual patients (the ones you’d gladly fill your schedule with) and have a look at what they are posting about, and what hashtags they use. Start creating content within those hobbies and interests, and get really clever by starting to use the same hashtags.

Also, have a look to see what local hashtags they may be using, or maybe even what businesses they visit that might be worth approaching for a strategic partnership opportunity.

4. Only Posting Boring Stock Photos Or Text

People connect with people. Don’t just share graphics with text, or stock photos. You have to put yourself out there. Want a good example of someone in our community who is killing it with his Instagram? Go check out @officialdannyshapiro on Instagram. Danny has 23K+ followers, and you’ll notice he’s putting himself out there in a big way.

Put your own face out there, and connect with people. This is a proven strategy on all social media, but it is even more important on Instagram.

5. Not Having An Optimized Business Profile On Instagram

You cannot run paid advertising on Instagram unless you have a business account.

You also cannot track the analytics of how well your posts are performing or schedule posts ahead of time unless you have a business account.

Ultimately, your clinic is a business and should be promoted that way so that your perfect patients can find you!

To be successful with this, make sure to optimize your Instagram profile to include the following things:

  1. Brief description of who you serve.
  2. Your clinic’s location
  3. Button to call to book an appointment and link to your email
  4. Link in bio that connects to a linktree page or other link builder page where your patients can access your blogs, free reports and other important resources about your clinic.


These are just 4 of the mistakes that you might be making on your clinic’s Instagram account. (If there is only one thing you take away from this article, I hope you stop using #physicaltherapy immediately).

If you didn’t know, Instagram CAN be a really effective way to boost your clinic’s traffic and generate new leads – as long as it is done correctly.

So keep up your consistent posting and content marketing on Facebook AND Instagram, use those location specific hashtags and make posts that appeal to your perfect patients’ interests.

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