“Are You Ready to TRIGGER THE TRANSFORMATION And FINALLY Break FREE From The Pressure (and Frustration) of Being SMALL and STUCK…

…To Rapid Growth, SCALE, and More Take Home Profit from Your PT Clinic?..."

If YES, watch this VIDEO then confirm your seat for the very special one-off event in Jersey City:

Paul Gough’s

PT Practice SCALE Success

The 2-Day Mastermind Event –
New Jersey Edition, June 29-30

Deadline For Early Bird Booking To Save $700:

9am EST, Saturday June 29th.
  • 00Days
  • 00Hours
  • 00Minutes
  • 00Seconds

New Client Appreciation Offer –
Choose Silver or Gold:

*Sit in the cheap seats at the back, does NOT include food, get a digital workbook and there’s no recordings
(Just 10 Available)

Or, UPGRADE your Experience

*Great seats at the front, does include gorgeous food and drinks across the weekend, printed workbook and full recordings for life
(Just 5 available)

For Returning / Past Members / Recent Attendees of Paul Gough Events

General Admission $997

Email: paul@paulgough.com if you have a question.

By Coming To This Event You Will:

  1. Discover what the most successful clinic owners are doing to SCALE that you are currently NOT
  2. Discover the top 5 “chokeholds” in your business currently holding you back from growth and more profit
  3. Leave with 3-5 IMMEDIATE action items YOU can implement to improve your business in the first 30 days after the event (usually in Marketing…)
  4. Discover what I can DO to support you and make sure you grow FASTER and remain PROFITABLE
  5. See for yourself how being part of a Mastermind community like this could be the FASTEST way to grow…

Would it be worth just $297 to Discover ALL OF THIS, inside 48 hours?

Dear Physical Therapist,

It’s Paul Gough here with your invite to my next big Event that is perfect for any PT looking to SCALE a profitable practice. It’s happening in Jersey City, June 29-30th.

Before I tell you more about it, first, let me tell you who this is NOT for:

It’s NOT for brand new starts ups or students thinking about opening a practice in a few years (I have other events and programs for you but this is not one of them).

This event IS for established clinic owners who are at least 1-2 years post start up and are now wanting to SCALE by finding more patients, adding more PT’s or open up new clinics, so they can MAKE MORE MONEY FAST.

This event is about three things:
  1. Growth
  2. Scale
  3. And doing both FAST and PROFITABLY.

Scaling a PT clinic is VERY different from starting one and it takes a different set of skills to do the former well.

Getting started is about referral marketing, reputation and customer service.

Scaling is all about marketing automation, financial skills, cash flow forecasting, KPI’s, planning, strategy, choosing the right business MODEL, pricing, follow up systems, recruiting great people, leadership and culture.

A failure to master these skills is why so many PT’s STRUGGLE and inevitably stay STUCK with the financial pressures of being small, carrying the burden of being the main provider and being the hardest worker, never feeling able to leave the clinic, always wondering:

“When Will I Have Some Real Money To Show From This Business I Started”

You know you’re stuck and small when you have to think about how much money you will LOSE by going on vacation, or if it’s even going to be worth it because of the hassle you will have to deal with when you get back.

Can you relate?

But What Do I Know About Scaling?
And, Am I The Right Guy To Help You?

Trying to scale without the RIGHT skills is also where most people in business LOSE money and WASTE TIME – and it’s also why so many come to me for help.

They want to make more money and free up time.

Two things that I have done for myself and many 100’s of others.

In case you did not know, I’m not about to teach you “theory” at this event…

I’ve SCALED my OWN practice from ONE to FOUR locations, without ANY outside investment money, from JUST ME, to 17 staff, from a handful of clients to over 1000 per month, every month, and I did it in a Country where healthcare is FREE (the UK).

Best, I’ve since LICENSED my own clinic – the Paul Gough Physio Rooms – to a former employee and that means I collect a ROYALTY check on the clinic I built, every month, for the REST OF MY LIFE.

I’ve filled out seminars like this all of the world, from Sydney to Las Vegas, London and Dublin, and I’ve wrote FIVE best-selling books on the topic of private practice success.

What I am saying is this:

If you’re serious about scaling a PT business, that makes REAL money, I am THE guy to help you.

“You – A VICTIM of Your Own Success?”

I help owners implement the necessary marketing systems, financial control, hiring and onboarding systems as well how to set the whole business up to one day be a remote owner.

(My clinic is 3500 miles away!)

The problem for most wanting to scale is they are TRAPPED by their own success…

Yes, they are a victim of their own success. They’re a GREAT clinician and they get started because of that.

The problems often START when STAFF come on board and patients come in from different referral sources not as “hot” as they once were.

They lack the systems to handle the phone calls, the marketing doesn’t help and crucially, they are NOT dialled into the numbers and cash flow issues plague them for years.

The tell-tale symptom? There’s NEVER enough cash to invest in marketing or other things and everything feels like it’s more hard work than it should be.

If that sounds even some-what like you, one of the first things we’ve got to do is sort out the fundamentals of your business.

There’s no point in trying to scale a HOT MESS.

There IS a set of fundamentals that your business must be able to rely upon in order to scale or what happens is you REPEATEDLY try and FAIL.

You’ll open clinic number two and wish you didn’t…

You will hire PT 2 or 3 and they’ll end up making MORE THAN YOU…

You will take a vacation – and wish you didn’t because it wasn’t worth the hassle…

And I didn’t even get to talking about the DEBT that normally comes along side any attempt to scale.

There’s a LOT of challenges and pitfalls ahead of you, needless to say that I am familiar with them all and you’ve made a GREAT decision to come to this event.

Are You Ahead Or Behind?

My “Scaling Scorecard” Is About to Reveal Where You Are Right Now, Compared To Your Peers…

Across the two days together in Jersey, you and I will sit down and assess why your business has SO FAR FAILED to scale to more providers, to add another location or get beyond 7-Figures… and we WILL discover what we need to do to make sure it does.

I’ll personally work with you on the comprehensive “SCALING SCORECARD” that I’ve perfected over the last ten years of working with clients like you.

After working with 100’s of people trying to SCALE I’ve worked out what makes the difference between success and failure.

Many assume it is better clinical skills or doing more marketing, but that isn’t always true.

At this event, I’ll personally work through this 17 page Scorecard with you and find out how likely your business is to scale and work out what’s holding you back based upon how it looks right now.

Before we go forward, we need to know where we’re starting from and what the REAL issues are.

It could be your lack of financial clarity, cash flow issues, pricing problems, your lack of PEOPLE development or recruitment… it could be your marketing system that isn’t working, possibly your admin team or inconsistencies in the PT department.

Whatever it is, we will discover it together in Jersey.

Before you leave the meeting, I’ll give you an objective measure on where you are now and how well you are doing against your peers… are you ahead? Are you behind? And, what we need to do to fix it all.

(The Workbook That You And I Will Work Through Together At The Event)

The Scorecard GRADES your business from 0-50 and finds out what level you are as you try to build the biggest building in town:

Are you “In Hell?”… are you at GROUND ZERO?… Ready to Scale? … and what needs to happen to turn your practice into an ASSET that is ready to be sold, franchised, or licensed for Royalties like mine.

Because of the nature of the event, the goal you want to achieve and type of the work we will be doing, I need to point out that this event is NOT for people who want “quick fixes” or prefer “silver bullets”…

I am only looking for SERIOUS business owners who are HONEST in their ambition, WILLING and DETERMINED to do the work required of scaling a PT Clinic.

If that is you, I invite you to make your seat selection.

“Will You Make a MILLION
Dollars at This Event?”

The answer is NO.

COULD you make a MILLION dollars BECAUSE of this event?


It’s very possible that THIS EVENT could trigger the 7-Figure Transformation in the next 1-2-3 years, and at the very least add an additional $100K or more to your bottom line in the next 12 months.

That type of thing is common in my community.

However, what I am TELLING you upfront is that this 2-day event is NOT a QUICK FIX…

I cannot get your business to 7-Figures and beyond in two days…

But, it IS the BEGINNING of you breaking FREE from the STRUGGLE and finally making the progress that you’re hoping for.

It’s the beginning of you finally starting to make the type of REAL MONEY and find the type of FREEDOM you are hoping for since you started.

You WILL leave with actionable items that you can implement into your business in the first 7 days to justify the cost and the travel time.

You’ll also be given a plan to implement changes in the immediate 30 and 90 days after.

This is NOT theory read from a text book or some kind of “hype” show, you’re coming to a workshop to WORK and we will find the BREAKTHROUGH’s that you’re looking for.

Why Coming To This Event Is More Important Than You Possibly Realize At This Point…

At the event we will also consider the BUSINESS MODEL that you are trying to scale…

In 2024, there’s never been a more important thing to consider for a Physical Therapist.

How to scale successfully is one thing…

But there’s also the consideration about the TYPE of practice you want to grow and scale.

I believe it’s not about the AMOUNT of money you make as much as HOW you make it.

Why is this conversation so important to you NOW?


“The Traditional Model for Growing a PT Practice is Coming to an END…”

Let’s face it, the situation for most owners is BLEAK.

Insurance, doctors and hospitals have got PT’s’ in their back pockets. You and I are seen at best as “worker bees” to them and they look to profit from us.

When there’s another round of cuts from insurance companies who will suffer? The physicians? The surgeons? Or YOU?… (you already know the answer).

It’s why there’s NEVER been a more important time to consider your INDEPENDENCE from physicians and insurance.

You must ensure that as you SCALE there’s a MASSIVE focus on some kind of (if not complete switch to) CASH PAY coming into your bank account.

It’s also why before you leave we will make a plan for:

  1. Where you plan to get your patients from (Online via direct access – or hassle doctors???)
  2. Who is going to pay the bill (cash or insurance)?
  3. And, I’ll probably ask if it’s time to finally cut the cord on physicians or insurance – or both…

We are going to cover a LOT together in Jersey City and this event has probably come at the PERFECT time for you.

Now is the time to take your business in the direction that YOU want to head in.

Whether that is out of insurance completely, OR, simply walking away from relying upon physician referrals, a step toward EITHER is a very good decision in 2024.

What Happens At The End Of The Event?

When you come to Jersey I am certain you will leave happy that you came.

It WILL be worth it for you.

Whether you want to work with me and my Team at the end of the event, that is completely up to you.

If you decide you can do it all on your own, I will wish you well and ask you to keep in touch from time to time to let me know how you are doing.

If you DO decide you want my help, then you can ask for it and I’ll give you at least THREE different options to work together depending upon your preference of speed, your budget and how much help you want.

I guarantee that there’ll be no hard or difficult conversation to get you to sign up to anything. No way. I prefer to let you decide of your own free will that you want to be part of what we do moving forward.

Sound good?

If so, go ahead and choose your seat now to lock in the best price. The price will rise back up to $997 very soon.

New Client Appreciation Offer –
Choose Silver or Gold:

*Sit in the cheap seats at the back, does NOT include food, get a digital workbook and there’s no recordings
(Just 10 Available)

Or, UPGRADE your Experience

*Great seats at the front, does include gorgeous food and drinks across the weekend, printed workbook and full recordings for life
(Just 5 available)

For Returning / Past Members / Recent Attendees of Paul Gough Events

General Admission $997

Email: paul@paulgough.com if you have a question.

And Just In-case You’re “On the Fence”, Wondering “Should I” or “Shouldn’t I”… …Here’s PROOF of Just How Successful You COULD Be By Coming To This Event…

Seen Enough? Ready To Confirm Your Seat?
I’ve made it really easy for you to do so…

Look below and choose which option works for you:

  • Silver$997 Currently Just $297 (Includes a seat at the back of the room)
  • Gold$1500 Currently Just $397 (Includes a seat at the front of the room, lunch on both days and access to the recording of the event).

Why So Cheap?

I know what you are thinking…

Why SO CHEAP Paul?

Well, fear NOT…

Most of my seminars sell out for around $1500-$997 per ticket but this one is different… it does not have a Celebrity speaker such as Daymond John or Marcus Lemonis that some of my other events have to foot the bill for.

(It’s a LOT easier to sell lower price tickets without needing to cover a Billionaires $150K speaking fee!)

I’m also SO certain that you’re going to LOVE what me and my Team have for you and I want to make it a no-brainer for you.

I’m making it VERY easy for you to say “maybe” to coming to work with me and that is reflected in the price.

Whether you pay $997 or $297 to come to this event makes no difference to me as I will be there regardless, and I have already been paid by others to be there.

I am also conscious that you may have to foot the bill for a flight that isn’t cheap these days and incur the cost of a stay in a hotel in Jersey City for 2-3 nights (FYI, we have discount link you can use to get a cheap room at the event hotel).

I admire your commitment and sacrifice and because of that I am almost giving away a seat at this event so that you can EASILY afford the airfare and associated Travel costs to be in Jersey with me.

I couldn’t make it any easier for you than this. Please do it now before we fill up the seats in the room.

Finally, here’s confirmation of what you are going to LEAVE with in exchange for your ticket fee:

  1. Answers to why your business hasn’t SCALED YET
  2. CLARITY on what needs to be done NOW, and by who, in the next 7, 30 and 90 days as well as the next 12 months – so it CAN SCALE
  3. PROOF that it can be done – there’ll be close to 100 others in the room with you who have DONE it
  4. 3-5 IMMEDIATE action items YOU can implement to improve your business in the first 30 days after the event (usually in Marketing…)
  5. A plan that you could either:
    1. Work on your own
    2. Ask for my help to implement that plan and get it done faster

Sound good?

If so, go ahead and,

Choose Your Seat:

*Cheap seats at the back
*Does NOT include food
*Get a digital workbook and there’s no recordings

Or, UPGRADE your Experience

*Great seats at the front
*Includes gorgeous food and drinks across the weekend with other members and Pauls team
*Printed workbook
*Get full recordings for life
*Spend more time with other Members of the Planet Paul Community

See you in Jersey City June 29-30th!

Best wishes,

Paul Gough

P.S Here’s a few common FAQ’s:

A Luxury hotel in Jersey City (you will get a booking link to reserve a discounted room in the event hotel)


Newark, NJ is the closest (it’s then 10-15 mins from there)


9.30am EST on both days (finishing at 5pm EST Sunday 30th)

Yes! Paul teaches for about 75% of the weekend!


Paul’s TEAM, as well as other members of his Mastermind program who are also committed to scaling


It’s the assessment tool that Paul uses to work with all of his clients. It tells you exactly what’s going wrong with your business and gives you an OBJECTIVE score/measure. Are you “in hell”, “ready to scale” or are you close to closing the doors? You find out exactly what the weaknesses are holding you back and from there we can create a plan to fix them all.


To be around other successful clinic owners on the same path as you! You CAN NOT do it alone. Come and get the support and direction to make it a lot easier to grow and scale.